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Reverse Engineering Your Goals for Success

podcast May 02, 2023

Do you struggle with figuring out how to meet the big picture plans for your life and business? Do you feel overwhelmed, unfocused, and unsure of how to get from Point A to Point B? Do you feel like you are always behind or not making forward progress toward achieving your 6 and 7-figure business dreams?

Then let’s chat about reverse engineering your goals. This is the one thing that helped me get ahead in my business, and I’m certain it can help you, too! Reverse engineering (or backwards planning) means breaking down a goal into smaller, more manageable steps. By doing this, you’ll no longer wonder “What should I do next?” You’ll always have a clear plan to make forward progress even if you are building a business in small pockets of time!


Listen in and learn how to:

  • start with a 5 year big vision goal then reverse engineer into small, actionable steps 
  • clarify your vision with questions in the Seven Strong Planner
  • identify a revenue goal and get realistic about how to get there
  • consider important family plans and time off when creating goals
  • analyze data to determine where to “push the gas” in order to meet revenue goals
  • determine where to spend your time for maximum impact 
  • utilize paid and free ways to grow your leads and email list 
  • create attainable monthly and weekly goals to clarify your messaging and avoid burnout
  • prioritize your daily to dos with tasks that actually move the needle in your business
  • readjust after failure instead of giving up


Backwards planning is the key to reduce overwhelm, get clear on needle-moving priorities, and can help you gain the momentum you need to make big leaps and bounds in your business. Ready to give it a try?


>> Click to get the planner mentioned in this episode.

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