Launch your automated Social Sales Funnel

in just 8 weeks!
 seven figure systems accelerator

 Grow your list and convert your followers into clients on autopilot with our signature social sales funnel. In this 8 week accelerator you will design, build and fill your funnel with ready to buy clients in just 8 weeks.

Yes! I am ready!
 seven figure systems accelerator


Start making sales from Instagram on autopilot

in just 8 weeks!

The Blueprint to Social Selling® is our automated sales funnel program where you will design, automate, and implement your social sales funnel to grow your following and convert them to sales so you can scale your business to 7 figures without burnout.

Yes! I am ready!
Let me ask you a question...


What if your Instagram content converted cold leads into new clients on autopilot?


That would be pretty great, wouldn't it?
I wish I had known this sooner.

When I grew my first business to a million dollars, I experienced extreme exhaustion and burn out.

I attached how hard I was working to how much money I would be able to make, and while I hit my goal, I did so at the expense of my health and my family.

So when I started my second business (Seven Strong) I built a foundation of systems and automations so I could scale to a million faster, and while being fully present with my family.

And now I am going to show you exactly how I did it.


Can you imagine...

starattracting your dream clients on Instagram who are ready to buy from you

starfilling your email list with new leads every day, without spending a cent on paid ads

starmaking sales on autopilot between launches, with clients who take action and get results

without having to spend hours engaging after you post, or responding to messages

Whether you have 100 followers or 100K, you can grow your list and make sales on autopilot by following my Blueprint to Social Selling

Are you spinning your wheels 

on Instagram, going through the motions but not seeing any results?

starAimlessly creating content because you feel obligated to, without a clear strategy in mind

You don't know what Instagram wants from you anymore so you are doing the bare minimum. The changes in the algorithm are too hard to keep up with, so you are phoning it in.

Are you spinning your wheels

on Instagram, going through the motions but not seeing results?

starAimlessly creating content because you feel obligated to, without a clear strategy in mind

You don't know what Instagram wants from you anymore so you are doing the bare minimum. The changes in the algorithm are too hard to keep up with, so you are phoning it in.

starNo one is even seeing your content so content creation feels like a waste of time.

“Hellooooo? Is anybody out there?” You struggle to get new followers and you’re not really connecting with the ones that you have. Most days, it feels feel like you’re talking to yourself.

starNo one is even seeing your content so content creation feels like a waste of time.

“Hellooooo? Is anybody out there?” You struggle to get new followers and you’re not really connecting with the ones that you have. Most days, it feels feel like you’re talking to yourself.

starPromoting your freebie to absolute crickets, discouraged that you can't even give it away

Your list has been stuck at the same number (and shrinking) for the last year, with no signs of life. You feel like growing your list is like buying another house plant, why bother when its just going to die.

starPromoting your freebie to absolute crickets, discouraged that you can't even give it away

Your list has been stuck at the same number (and shrinking) for the last year, with no signs of life. You feel like growing your list is like buying another house plant, why bother when its just going to die.

star"Automation sounds great, but I am not good at tech stuff…"

The idea of systems sounds dreamy, but you’re not “techy.” The thought of figuring out how to use automation leaves you feeling anxious and overwhelmed.

star"Automation sounds great, but I am not good at tech stuff…"

The idea of systems sounds dreamy, but you’re not “techy.” The thought of figuring out how to use automation leaves you feeling anxious and overwhelmed.

It's time to automate your sales from Instagram

Enroll in the Blueprint to Social Selling Now!

Imagine results like this

in just 8 weeks!


The Blueprint to Social Selling® is our accelerated sales funnel program where you will design and implement your automated 7-figure social sales funnel to grow your following and convert them to sales so you can scale your business to 7 figures without burnout.

In just 8 weeks, you will:

starCreate content that actually converts

Know exactly what type of content to create to attract your ideal client and move them from followers to clients

starDevelop a truly irresistible lead magnet

Say goodbye to boring "freebies" you can't give away and design a strategic lead magnet offer that your audience will beg you to send them

starAutomate your lead gen

Using our plug and play Chatbot automations, you will have your automations up and running, no tech headache required

starTake your leads from Cold to Sold

Convert your new leads on autopilot using our strategic Cold to Sold ™ automated Email follow up system

starWalk through the whole process arm in arm with me

This 8 week accelerator is designed to walk you from start to finish with me so you will never get stuck or give up along the way.

Give me the Blueprint to Social Selling Now!

Attract and convert dream clients on autopilot in 3 easy steps


Turn Instagram into your client attraction machine by optimizing your bio, creating high converting content and positioning your lead magnet as their obvious next step. 

📲 Establish credibility and authority in 140 characters or less

📲 Identify your profitable microniche and what content they are craving

📲 Create high converting content that will grow your list on autopilot

📲 Develop an irresistible free offer that your new audience members will be begging you to send them


Leverage the power of chatbot automations to turn your content into your highest converting sales mechanism. No tech experience required

📲 Create a seamless experience that grows your list without your audience leaving the app

📲 Automate your lead gen painlessly using plug-and-play chatbot templates

📲 Follow up on autopilot so you never lose a lead that gets distracted

📲 Deliver your free offer instantly by integrating your email marketing system 


Get your offer in front of the right people at the right time to increase conversions and serve your audience on autopilot.

📲 Develop ready to buy messaging that sells your offer on autopilot to new leads

📲 Take your leads from cold to sold using our proven 5 part email sales process

📲 Learn the secrets to writing sales emails that your audience will actually read

📲 Prime your audience to buy at your next launch even if they don't buy now


This is not a traditional "course"

You do not need another overstuffed program that sits on your digital bookshelf to be forgotten about.

You need to take clear, strategic action and get your funnel launched fast so you can start funneling ready to buy leads into your business.

The Blueprint to Social Selling is not a library of boring videos that will keep you in "learning mode" for months and months.

It is an accelerated coaching program that will get your funnel built and bringing in leads in just 8 weeks.

💻 Short, actionable curriculum that is focused on taking action

📞 Focused group coaching calls that remove roadblocks and create clarity

📆 12 months access to community and support to troubleshoot your funnel

🤖 Plug-and-play DM automation templates so you can skip the tech headache

📧 Strategic Lead Magnet and Email Templates so you can build your funnel fast

I am ready to take action and automate my sales!

Don't just take my word for it!

Inside the Blueprint, you will learn:

Instagram Sales Strategy

If you aren't currently making sales from Instagram, your content strategy needs to change

In this module, you will learn:

📲 How to optimize your Instagram account for sales

📲 The importance of micro-niching your account and speaking to one problem

📲 How to use data to create high converting content your audience wants to see

Magnetic Offer Messaging

How you present your offer to cold leads is actually quite different than warm lead marketing

In this module, you will learn:

📲 The key elements of crafting an irresistible cold market offer

📲 What you should focus on when speaking to your ideal client's pain points

📲 How to craft an offer blueprint that will act as the cornerstone of your messaging

Content that Converts to Cold

Each piece of conversion content has 4 essential elements

In this module, you will learn:

📲 The difference between content and copy when it comes to creating on Instagram

📲 How to captivate your audience's attention in seconds

📲 The secret to getting them to take action on your content

Irresistible Lead Magnet

Ditch the boring "freebies" and learn how to craft an irresistible free offer your audience will be begging you for

In this module, you will learn:

📲 Why traditional lead magnets don't convert into sales

📲 The real purpose of your free offer, and how to craft on strategically

📲 How to use your lead magnet to generate more sales

Automations that Scale

Automate your lead gen and sales system to create a more seamless client experience

In this module, you will learn:

📲 What tech and automations you need to build your Social Sales Funnel

📲 How all these systems work together to create sales on autopilot

📲 How to set up your chatbot automations without the tech headache!

Cold to Sold Emails

The secret to selling your offers on autopilot comes down to sending the right emails at the right time

In this module, you will learn:

📲 How to use email automations to deliver more value to your new leads on autopilot

📲 Our exact 5 email sequence that will take your new leads from cold to sold

📲 Copywriter secrets to writing better emails that actually convert

Plus, you get these accelerated bonuses

starLead Magnet Canva Templates

No more wasting your time trying to build ebooks from scratch. Create your strategic lead magnet in less time using our Canva templates

starPlug and Play Manychat Automation

Ditch the tech overwhelm and plug into our proven manychat automation template. Get your chatbot automation up and converting in less than 10 minutes

starCold to Sold Email Templates

Stop staring at the blinking cursor and write your emails faster with our cold to sold email templates. 

starSocial Sales Funnel Workbook

This workbook breaks down every piece of your social sales funnel so you can put it on paper before you build it

Plus, join our List Builder Bundle

I know how valuable collaboration is as an online business owner, so at the end of the 8 weeks, we are hosting a List Builder Bundle where you can get your lead magnet in front of other people's audiences to grow your list with new leads!

Ok,  but what does it cost?

As a business owner, there are two types of business expenses- costs and investments.

Costs are things that don't have a direct impact on your revenue (like that branding photoshoot you did) where investments have a clear ROI (return on investment).

Automating your lead gen and conversions has a limitless ROI in your business, but how valuable would it be to bring in 100 new leads in the next 8 weeks?

And if 5 of them converted into signature offer clients?

And what if you brought in 2600 leads in the next 3 months, and 500 of them converted into clients (which is what we have done in the last 90 days with this system alone).

Not to mention the long term ROI of having a duplicatable system you can use to generate new leads and sales in your business at any time.

You can join us inside the Blueprint to Social Selling today for just $1997.

I am ready, let's do this!

Or, you can let my team take it from here

A complete done-for- you funnel

In business, you can spend your time, or you can spend money, and often times your time is the more valuable asset.

Which is why my team will build and install your entire social sales funnel for you for just $5997.

You will get:

📲 A custom built, high converting lead magnet

📲 Your complete automated chatbot funnel installed and integrated with your email marketing platform

📲 The 5 email Cold to Sold Sequence written by our in house copywriter and scheduled into your marketing platform 100% custom for your offer

Completely done for you, so all you have to do is say "comment [Keyword] below" to see sales start coming in.

Learn more about what all is included

Let me break this down...


6 monthly payments
✅ funnel building curriculum
✅ 8 weeks of group coaching
✅ Plug and play Chatbot Automations
✅ lead magnet canva templates
✅ Fill in the blank email templates
✅ Private student community
✅ 12 months access
❌ Private strategy call
❌ Done for you Lead Magnet
❌ Done for you chatbot automations
❌ Done for you Email Sequence
I want monthly payments!


one time payment
✅ funnel building curriculum
✅ 8 weeks of group coaching
✅ Plug and play Chatbot Automations
✅ lead magnet canva templates
✅ Fill in the blank email templates
✅ Private student community
✅ 12 months access
❌ Private strategy call
❌ Done for you Lead Magnet
❌ Done for you chatbot automations
❌ Done for you Email Sequence
I want to pay in full!


one time payment
✅ funnel building curriculum
✅ 8 weeks of group coaching
✅ Plug and play Chatbot Automations
✅ lead magnet canva templates
✅ Fill in the blank email templates
✅ Private student community
✅ 12 months access
Private strategy call
Done for you Lead Magnet
✅ Done for you chatbot automations
✅ Done for you Email Sequence
I want the full service!
3 payments of $2000

You are sitting on a gold mine

I am always shocked to hear when online business owners tell me they are not automating their sales from Instagram.

Yet they are spending hours and thousands of dollars trying to crack the code with Facebook Ads or launching a podcast hoping that will bring in more leads.

Converting your followers into clients is the lowest hanging fruit in your business, and building a system that will leverage instagram to grow your business is as simple as following our proven blueprint.

We have made almost 500 sales in the last 90 days on autopilot

Frequently Asked Questions