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How I grew my email list by 1200 subscribers in 90 days using IG

podcast Apr 23, 2024

In the last 90 days, we have grown our email list by over 1200 subscribers completely organically using Instagram. This was not an accident. While most business gurus will tell you that you need to spend money on ads to grow your list, we have found that having a clear, intentional strategy on Instagram has been more effective (and way more profitable) than ads alone.

And in this episode, I am sharing the 4 simple steps to creating an Instagram to Email List pipeline that converts like crazy and brings in leads on autopilot.

I am sharing:
     - Why creating systems that grow your business for you is so important when you want to create balance in your life and business
     - The biggest mistake business owners make when it comes to their social media content
     - The asset you must have in your business to convert followers into subscribers
     - The secret to automating it all, and how its easier to set up than you think
     - And the key ingredient that brings it all together

I have created a free workbook that teaches you exactly how to create a high converting lead magnet so you can grow your list on autopilot.

Check it out at  Free Guide to creating your first irresistible lead magnet!

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