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The Power of Personal Development: Books that Changed My Business & My Life

podcast Nov 07, 2023

Time to get vulnerable! After a recent business retreat, I was asked about how I went from the world of 2% raises to entrepreneurial life. That got me thinking about the changes I had to make and things I had to learn in order to leave the corporate world behind and go all-in on entrepreneurship. I couldn’t have done it without books!

Today I’m sharing more about the personal and business development books that changed everything for me….and they can for you, too!


Listen in and learn:

  • My story of risking it all to leave behind a 6-figure engineering salary to go all-in on entrepreneurship
  • The book that made me ask “Where am I spending my time?”
  • Two things I swapped out that freed up my time to live with intention
  • The power of a single question: “Am I living a life that is in alignment with my goals?”
  • The book that helped me shift my mindset and helped me believe in myself 
  • How I learned about habit stacking
  • How I overcame my fear of judgment and need for approval from others
  • Why being part of a community is vital for entrepreneurs 


As heard on this episode:

📚Want a list of books that changed my life? Click HERE and I’ll send you a list of my favorite personal development books and click HERE for my favorite business development books.

Hi, I’m Holly Hillyer–coach, wife, boy mom, and 7-figure boss. I help women like you start and scale online businesses in small pockets of time so you can make more money while also building a life that allows you to be present with the people you love most.💛

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