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Wildly profitable (and automated) websites with Krissy Chin

podcast Sep 19, 2023

Are you missing a key piece of your marketing funnel? Without a website, you may be missing out on a vital tool to help you stand out in a crowded marketplace!


Click HERE to sign up for Krissy’s free masterclass:  "How to Automate Your Business and Increase Your Revenue While You Sleep" on September 26 at 1 PM Eastern Time.


Krissy Chin shares how creating a high-quality website can help you showcase your business and position yourself as an expert while also being a key part of your marketing funnel automation.

Krissy Chin is a podcast host and soon-to-be author who runs two successful brands with her business partner working less than 20 hours a week. The success from their 600-person paid membership led them to launch their second business, K&C Consulting, which is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs turn their knowledge and passion into a profitable digital business (and automate it with high-converting funnels!). Krissy’s done-is-better-than-perfect motto inspires her students to take imperfect action to generate success while spending most of their time with their families. 

Hit Play and discover how a website can be a powerful automation tool to help you work less and make more!

Listen in and learn:

  • The importance of taking imperfect action
  • The value of having multiple revenue streams
  • How a website can help you set yourself apart from others in your industry
  • The importance of setting up a website properly to deliver freemiums and book appointments
  • The real customer journey of how Krissy’s client found her website, resonated with her messaging, booked a call, and ended up becoming a VIP client
  • How it’s possible to use automation to gain 4 more hours back in your day
  • 6 areas in your business that could be preventing you from success
  • How different personality types is important to consider for website design

As heard on this episode:

Click HERE to sign up for Krissy’s free masterclass:  "How to Automate Your Business and Increase Your Revenue While You Sleep" on September 26 at 1 PM Eastern Time.

Connect with Krissy on Instagram, Facebook or listen to her podcast.


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