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How to Turn Social Media Growth Into Sales

podcast Sep 05, 2023

Social media is a fantastic marketing tool, but should you be relying on social media alone?

The answer is NO! Growing your social media account is just the first step in building a successful online business. You need a plan for converting followers into loyal clients and building a business that thrives on automation and efficiency.

Today we’re talking about how to move potential clients from social media to email so you can make more sales! 

Listen in and learn:

  • The importance of micro-niching in growing your Instagram audience and your email list
  • How to create a funnel that allows you to successfully nurture and sell to clients 
  • Why it’s important to ask clients to take the least amount of actions possible
  • How to make sure your freemium gets used right away 
  • Why a podcast makes a great freemium for the right audience
  • When to use a masterclass as part of your funnel
  • How Blueprint to Social Selling helps create systems that lead to improved sales and greater time freedom for online business owners

As heard on this episode:

Episode 26: Go Smaller to Grow Bigger: The Power of a Micro-Niche

Want to learn how I grew my account by 20,000 followers, grew my email list by over 10,000 new subscribers, and experienced a 25% increase in sales in only 90 days? 

I’m sharing the Seven Strong Method in the FREE MASTERCLASS coming September 5 at noon EST. CLICK HERE TO JOIN LIVE OR CATCH THE REPLAY!


Are you ready to get the collaboration, confidence, and community you need to make more income and impact? Find out more about Seven Strong Society here!


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