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Go Smaller to Grow Bigger: The Power of a Micro-Niche

podcast Aug 29, 2023

What if you could streamline content creation while also experiencing massive growth on social media? What if sales conversations could become less confusing and email marketing could be simplified by narrowing the focus of your messaging? If you’re looking for a way to make running an online business less complex, then listen in! 

We’ve all heard about the importance of having a niche in business, but what’s a “micro-niche”? This is the secret to massive growth on social media. I know because I’ve experienced it myself! 

Listen in and learn:

  • What is a micro-niche?
  • What led me to select a micro-niche for my @holly_hillyer Instagram account
  • The insane results I experienced after implementing a micro-niche
  • How Instagram uses SEO 
  • How you can SEO to get the Instagram algorithm to work in your favor
  • Why a micro-niche will make content creation and sales conversations easier
  • How to use the Seven Strong Method to grow your social media following and scale your business 

As heard on this episode:

Want to learn how I grew my account by 20,000 followers, grew my email list by over 10,000 new subscribers, and experienced a 25% increase in sales in only 90 days? 

I’m sharing the Seven Strong Method in the FREE MASTERCLASS coming September 5 at noon EST. CLICK HERE TO JOIN!

Hi, I’m Holly Hillyer–coach, wife, boy mom, and 7-figure boss. I help women like you start and scale online businesses in small pockets of time so you can make more money while also building a life that allows you to be present with the people you love most.💛

Are you ready to get the collaboration, confidence, and community you need to make more income and impact? Find out more about Seven Strong Society here!

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