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Using AI: Get More Done in Less Time

podcast Jul 11, 2023

Are you searching for effective strategies to maximize your productivity and streamline content creation for your business?

If you've been hesitant about utilizing AI technologies, then this podcast is tailor-made for you.

Join me as I delve into the topic of how AI has become a game-changer in my life, particularly during exceptionally busy periods. Discover the power of leveraging AI to boost your productivity and achieve more in less time. I'll discuss two invaluable tools, ChatGPT and Google Bard, that I personally utilize for content creation. However, it's crucial to understand the correct usage of these tools to ensure high-quality results.

Tune in to this podcast episode and unlock the potential of AI to revolutionize your workflow and enhance your business efficiency.

Listen in and learn:

  • Why ChatGPT and Google Bard are my AI tools of choice right now
  • The limitations of ChatGPT and the advantages of Google Bard
  • Why you should use AI for content creation
  • How to get good content from Google Bard and ChatGPT
  • Types of content that AI can help create
  • How to train AI to write in a specific tone of voice 
  • How to freshen up old copy and content
  • How to use AI to find Facebook groups where you can serve your ideal clients
  • The importance of using Facebook to make authentic connections (not to sell)
  • How to create a monthly content calendar using AI

Mentioned in this episode:

  • Work less and make more sales without missing out on those summer memories! Get the Six Figure Summer System private podcast HERE.

Are you ready to get the collaboration, confidence, and community you need to make more income and impact? Find out more about Seven Strong Society here!

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