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Speaking to your audience with intention and precision - Katie Moore

podcast Jun 27, 2023

Are you looking for a more powerful way to connect with your ideal client? Do you struggle to create messaging that fosters meaningful relationships with your followers? How do you know what will resonate with your audience?

Today, my friend Katie Moore is weighing in on all this and more.

Katie is a former school teacher and administrator turned top online health coach, business mentor, and top ten partner in the network marketing space.

Katie will share how she tapped into her ideal clients’ deepest desires and grew her social media following to over 200K.

Listen in and learn:

  • When going viral is useless
  • The impact of Donald Miller’s book, Building a Story Brand
  • How to better connect with client’s pain points
  • The key to balancing confidence and compassion
  • The truth about what you are (and aren’t) selling
  • How do you get your audience to imagine themselves in your shoes? 
  • How do I create “call to actions” that help people overcome fear?
  • Why consistency is the name of the game
  • What is the difference between a “hero of the story” vs. “guide” mentality? 
  • How to share vulnerably and bravely. 
  • How do we create a connection piece vs a pain point piece? 

Connecting with your clients through shared emotions is the key to building a loyal following that converts into sales. 

Learn how to build a 7-figure business using personal branding, duplicatable systems, and magnetic marketing without sacrificing family time!

Are you ready to get the collaboration, confidence, and community you need to make more income and impact? Find out more about Seven Strong Society here!

Follow me on IG: @sevenstrongco

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