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Use Quizzes to Generate Leads and Improve Sales - Linda Sidhu

podcast Jun 20, 2023

Are you looking for a new way to generate leads for your business? Wondering how quizzes can be an effective lead magnet? Interested in creating quizzes but aren’t sure where to begin?

Then listen in as Linda Sidhu shares her incredible knowledge about the power of quizzes as a lead-gen tool, and how to create quizzes even easier with the power of AI.

Linda is a list-building expert who helps entrepreneurs create irresistible personality quizzes that attract hundreds of new subscribers on autopilot. 

As a former top ten pharmaceutical sales representative, she had extensive training in personality types. She took the same methods that worked for selling products face-to-face and turned them into a personality quiz framework that converts views to leads at 70% and helps craft personalized marketing for her customers.

Linda has been featured in the media in Forbes as well as on Cubicle to CEO, The Go-To Gal Podcast, and The #PrettyAwkward Entrepreneur podcast with Meg Yelaney…and now the Seven Strong podcast!

Hi, I’m Holly Hillyer–coach, wife, boy mom, and 7-figure boss. I help women like you start and scale online businesses in small pockets of time so you can make more money while also building a life that allows you to be present with the people you love most.💛

Listen in and learn:

  • Linda’s background in pharmaceutical sales and how she used personality quizzes to communicate with doctors
  • Why creating a sharable lead magnet leads to high conversions
  • Researching your audience via interviews and surveys
  • How to use AI in quiz creation
  • Why you should use market research and personas to develop quiz results
  • How to set up automations that help move the client from cold lead to paying customer
  • How Linda setup systems that worked for her while she had to step away
  • The biggest mistakes that entrepreneurs make with quizzes
  • Tips on developing quiz-to-cash strategie

No matter if you’re a new business owner who’s asking, “What is a lead magnet?” or if you already have a lead generation plan in place, you’ll find this episode full of ideas for how to use quizzes as part of your marketing plan.

Resources from Linda:

Are you ready to get the collaboration, confidence, and community you need to make more income and impact? Find out more about Seven Strong Society here!

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